Born and raised in New York and New Jersey I am the eldest of three. Our parents came to the United States from Haiti to escape the tyranny of the Duvalier dictatorship in search of a better life for themselves and their children. In addition to providing the example of hard work and perseverance, our parents gave us access to all things beautiful and the hand made was ever present in our home. Hand crafts in the form of sewing and needle work but also furniture design and vintage auto restoration were part of our regular every day life. We were encouraged to read, listen to jazz and classical music, draw and travel. All this instilled in me a lifelong desire to make and to find my voice in the mindful pursuit of usefulness and beauty.
When it came time to go to college and decide upon a profession, architecture was my first choice. I have been practicing residential architecture for over 20 years and love the relationship between the making of buildings and the lasting contribution that my work has in the lives of the people who entrust me with the privilege of designing their homes.
The step to rug making came rather naturally, after the birth of my youngest. She spent some of those early years before going to school on job sites, showrooms or at my feet while I was designing. I found myself drawing more, at first as a means of doing something with her, and later for making simply for pleasure and exploration of it. Later I shared some of my work, wondering what I could do with the images. A generous friend suggested turning them into rugs. I was captivated.
In these first works we hope to bring a sense of warmth and modernity into an interior, with integrity and respect for the craft and the craftsmen.